Who am I?

Martin Váňa

My name is Martin Váňa and I am currently working as a software engineer at Tipsport. My job is to design, maintain, and document REST API.

New challenges and things to learn are what I am constantly looking for.

Programming skills

Mainly, I write programs in Java. I love to use C/C++ (not only) for competitive programming contests such as ACM-ICPC, Code Jam or Hacker Cup. For scientific calculations and Machine Learning, I use Python.

Needless to say that I write automated tests and I use tools for static analysis, linters, code autoformaters, Docker, package managers, and last but not least, CI/CD pipelines.

I create web applications using PHP (with Nette Framework), and HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. Of course, I utilise a number of automation tools and preprocessors such as Grunt, LESS or SASS.

As a GNU/Linux user, I am familiar with Bash. I have encountered Matlab, Haskell, Rust, Lisp, Prolog, and Assembly. I love to write documentation using TeX/LaTeX or Markdown. I experiment with various algorithms, data structures, and programming approaches. I also contribute to the OpenSource community on Github.


2018 – 2019
The University of West Bohemia, Pilsen (Czech Republic)

2015 – 2018
The University of West Bohemia, Pilsen (Czech Republic)

01/2016 – 06/2016
Mälardalen University, Västerås (Sweden)

2012 – 2015
The University of West Bohemia, Pilsen (Czech Republic)


Martin Váňa at Brooklin bridge, NYC

Travelling is my passion. I love hiking and I also like to explore foreign cities and get to know different cultures. I play table tennis for TJ Sokol Holoubkov A team. I own a mountain bike and I enjoy riding in nature. During winter, I go skiing or ice skating.

In my leisure time, I read books. My favourite genres are horror, fantasy, and sci-fi. Stephen Edwin King, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, and last but not least, Douglas Noel Adams are my beloved authors.